14th University of Hawaii at Hilo Annual Ho'olaule'a January 17th

The UH Hilo Student Activities Council(SAC), the UH Hilo Student Association(UHHSA), The Board of Media Broadcasting(BOMB), URH(University Radio Hilo) and Campus Center invite you to Ho'olaule'a 2009: Pupukahi i holumua - Unite to move forward.

The 14th annual UH Hilo Ho'olaule'a will be on Saturday, January 17, 2009:

8am Break Thru Adventures Rummage Sale - UCB 127

11am Noho Hewa film presentation - UH Hilo Performing Arts Center

12n - 9pm Live Entertainment - Campus Center Plaza
* Mixjah
* Hawaiian Roots Band
* Ooklah the Moc & BW
* Tupulaga O Samoa Mo A Taeao (Samoan Club)
* Marshallese "Iakwe" Club
* Keaomalamalama Hawaiian Club
* 'Ai Pohaku

3pm Noho Hewa film presentation - UH Hilo Performing Arts Center

Featuring ono kine food booths, craft vendors, community information and cultural awareness displays in the Campus Center dining hall. There'll be a new car show on the library lanai and motorcycles in the parking lot!

Special feature is Keikiland with games, crafts, water slide and a rock climbing wall in the Campus Center's lower yard ... all Keikiland activities are FREE! Adults can enjoy the water slide and rock climbing wall too!

More info next week with the list of vendors and booths! For further information, contact the Campus Center office, .

Bring your ohana ... join us in kicking off the Spring semester with a day of music, fun and FOOD!

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