Big Island Hawaii Map of Ceded Lands and Other Trusts

Below is a Big Island Hawaii Map of Ceded Lands and other land trusts on the Big Island. First lets go over a little background on what ceded lands are.

Ceded Lands are lands that the United States have held illegally since 1898. The overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii occurred in 1893, with the help of United States troops. The United States made a formal Aplogy Bill in 1893.

The Kingdom of Hawaii had approximately 1.8 million acres at the time of the overthrow, and the State and Federal Governments hold these lands in trust at this time. These Lands have been designated as ceded lands.

The Big Island Hawaii Map pictured on the right shows all the different lands trusts on the Big Island.

Big Island is made up of 2,506,800 acres, a little less then half are held by the state and federal governments in a public trust. The green and pink are the majority of the ceded lands, with the rest being held by Hawaiian Homelands shown in the two shades of orange. The purple represents Kamehameha Schools and Bishop Estates, and the Lili`uokalani Estate is in Red.

Here is a break down on the acreage of land in each district, the exact amount that is ceded land, and the percentage that that is.

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