Hawaiian Sovereignty: What Does the Future Hold?
So we will be holding informational meetings For the Queens Jubilee every Wednesday at the Kamehameha Statue in Hilo from 8:30am-12:00pm
Click Here for more information
Also Please sign our petition: Free Hawaii Now!

In my mind, Hawaiian Sovereignty is the most crucial subject for anyone who is intending to visit Hawaii, or lives in Hawaii to become familiar with. Upon doing a little reading, I think that you will agree how important it is.
There are many different groups pushing for sovereignty in Hawaii, but they all have the same passion. To Free Hawaii!
First of all I would like to make it clear that this site is intended to be user friendly to the Kanaka Maoli, the Kamaaina, and the Malihini(visitor).
That being said, I would like to invite all of you to share your Mana`o (thoughts) on Sovereignty. I created a section of this web page for people to share their Mana`o and stories, upload pictures, provide links, copy and paste documents, and basically have their own page on this website.
To share your Mana`o on Hawaiian Sovereignty, or see what others have posted, follow this link
The United States illegal occupation of Hawaii
One of the most important documents to be familiar with is the Apology Bill, to learn more follow this link.
Ever since the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 Sovereignty has been a quest for many inhabitants of the islands.
Acting without any presidential backing a group of Americans established a interim government shortly after the overthrow. This interim government was known as the Republic of Hawaii. It was this government that made the deal with the US to become a part of the United States.
Queen Liliuokalani made several appeals to any country that would listen, including America, all to no avail.
Despite Hawaii's treaties with numerous countries, including the U.S., Hawaii was annexed when President Mckinley signed resolution 209-91 on July 7th 1898.
To learn more about the treaties Hawaii held, and why it was inconstitutional for the U.S. to overthrow The Hawaiian Kingdom, follow this link to our page on Hawaii's treaties.
Most Americans today still believe that Hawaii wanted to become part of the United States. To see more of the details of the Hawaii Annexation follow this link.
After the annexation of Hawaii, almost 2 million acres that belonged to the Hawaiian Kingdom was set into a trust to be held by the US until some future date, this fact alone shows how the US knew they were in the wrong. These lands were called ceded lands.
Current Events
Recently the Hawaii Supreme Court made a landmark decision on these so called ceded lands. They ruled that the State of Hawaii has no right to sell these lands, as they are still in a trust. Furthermore, they recognized that Hawaii was overthrown illegally. This case, OHA v The State of Hawaii , is on its way to the Supreme Court of Hawaii, where their decision will cause controversy whatever the ruling may be.
`Iolani Palace has been the focal point of Hawaiian Sovereignty groups since Marines overthrew the Queen there in 1893. On April 30th 2008, the world focused its attention there as the gates were locked, and the state and everybody else was told NO TRESPASSING.
To hear about `Iolani Palace and what happened on Aprill 30th, 2008 follow this link.
Kawa`a in Kau on the Big Island, has become a major focal point of both politics and Hawaiian Sovereignty. In fact it has become such a political focal point, that the Mayor Harry Kim has been down to see the caretaker of the area, Uncle Abel Lui, 5 times in the last year. I don't know of anybody who has had 5 official visits to their home from the mayor. On August 26th 2008, County Officials, Hawaiian Nationals, Police Officers, and News Crews gathered for a meeting of the minds on the side of the highway.
For full details, go to our page on Kawa`a August 26th, 2008
Videos on Hawaiian Sovereignty
For someone who knows nothing about any of this, watch the first video with music by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. He is calling out to all to do what is right and take care of this precious land.
The others will educate you about the current situation, and the history of the U.S. occupation of Hawaii.