Big Island Coffee Kau District

With very similar conditions to the mountains where Kona coffee is grown, the coffee Kau district produces is distinct in flavor, and aroma.

The coffee beans are large and have a high oil content, similar to Kona coffee, and for all intents and purposes, it would be hard to tell the difference in a taste test.

A big distinguishing factor in why Kona has been the most prized of the Hawaiian coffees, is the fact that it has been farmed in the area for so long. This has lead to many estates taking their own coffee all the way to roast. The number of farms that take their coffee all the way to roast in Kau is far less then Kona.

Still the coffee Kau estates has been turning out has gotten better and better, and we are seeing gourmet coffee emerge from small coffee farms in Kau.

There are no roasting operations that we know of in Kau. The estates that we recommend use other mills to produce their roasted coffee. Coffee farms pick their coffee, bring it to the mill, the mill pulps it, drys it, green mills it, and then takes it to roast. Kau estates pay mills to keep their coffee separate, and then receive a finished product.

Some of the estate coffee Kau produces that we recommend are

Cloud Rest Coffee. Located in upper Pahala on the slopes of Mauna Loa

Kau Gold Mountain Coffee. Kau Grown gourmet coffee distributed by Koa coffee a mill in Kona.

We hope that you found our page on the coffee Kau district has to offer interesting and informative. The coffee drinking communities of the world have started to recognize the gourmet quality of Kau coffee, so give it a try. We know you will love it, we do.

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