November 5th: Free Hawaii Movement Hilo

"God hath made of one blood all nations of men, to dwell on earth in unity and blessedness." Kauikeauoli (Kamehameha III, Declaration of Rights 1839)

On the eve of the 2012 elections Ohana gathered in Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii to speak their voice about the illegal occupation. The current administration at state and county levels through unconstitutional legislation and widespread corruption, has forced the people into a dangerous position.

All US government personnel (Federal, State, and County), swore an oath to uphold the US Constitution, and they are legally bound to do so. There is no legal treaty of annexation; therefore the State of Hawaii is built on fraud. Hawaii's true political status as an illegally occupied nation is undeniable. We support our political leaders who demonstrate personal integrity, abide by their own oath of office, and proclaim the truth in public. .

The Key elements that have pushed the people to the streets and into the politicians face are:

  1. The religious and cultural rights and practices of the residents of the Big Island are not being protected, and the county and state conduct operations that even prevent the people from exercising their right to these practices.
  2. The State of Hawaii has created the PLDC ACT 55, which gives 5 people the power to influence a complicit Legislature in order to develop and sell 1.8 million acres of Hawaiian crown lands that the US falsely calls "ceded lands."
  3. On October 25th 2012 County Police conducted operations island wide centered around the eviction of Kupuna Abel Simeona Lui at Kawa`a in Kau. On that same day Uncle James Kalili was also arrested in Kona. Kawa`a is an active cultural and religious site, and the people have been denied access by police since the 25th

120 years since the illegal overthrow has created many layers of false political, economic and legal entanglements. We must go forward in the faith and knowledge that the truth indeed will set us free. Now is the time to stand up for what is right! No more choosing the lesser of two evils in our everyday life.

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The overthrow of Queen Lilioukalani in 1893 was an unprovoked invasion of a foreign country and the U.S. is continuing the illegal occupation to this day........................