Historic Hawaii Kealakekua Bay:
Kayak Tours that give you History, and links to other helpful information

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Information provided by Iwa Tolleson owner of Aloha Kayak Co.
Hawaii Kealakekua Bay: Areas and its History
Thousands of Hawaiians once lived in small villages along the shores and hillsides surrounding Kealakekua Bay Hawaii. Fishing, surfing, swimming and canoe paddling filled the protected waters of the bay with activity and life. Cultivated upland garden plots, within easy walking distance of the shore, supplied residence with food like Kalo (Taro) for Poi and materials for clothing such as Wauke (Paper Mulberry)used in making Kapa or bark cloth were grown.
In 1779 , the world as Hawaiians knew it was changed forever. With the arrival of Captain James Cook nothing would ever be the same again. Once word of these new islands spread through Europe of its existence sailors and traders sailed to Hawaii in increasing numbers. By 1820, ships carrying cargoes of California cattle , sea otter furs, and whale oil had dropped anchor off Kaawaloa Point (where the Captain Cook Monument sits).Hawaiians had no way to cope with the introduction of European diseases and intoxicating alcohol that accompanied these encounters. At times it appeared their culture was at a disadvantage compared to the newcomers wealth and power. The apparent superiority of iron over stone , of guns over spears of ,of woven material over Kapa (bark cloth), of Christian religion over the Hawaiian gods and of English ships over their canoes.
The State of Hawaii has plans to create a historic park at Hawaii Kealakekua Bay to tell the stories associated with this important Historical and cultural marine preserve area. Every thing you see in this bay is linked to our past . From the Napoopoo landing which was once a busy dock full ships dropping goods to the residents of this area to the Pali (cliffs ) which lava tubes were used for burials for our ancient Alii (Chiefs) final resting place and Kaawaloa Point which was once one of the most populated villages in all Hawaii and the hub the Big Island in those days.
History of Napoopoo Wharf Landing in Kealakekua Bay
To learn more about our Hawaii Kealakekua Bay Snorkeling tours click here!