Answering the call for the Humanitarian Dream Movement as a counterpoint to the unthinking/uncaring GOP/Tea Partiers who are trying to eliminate public services, workers' rights, women's rights and more, a Hilo rally is being staged this Saturday, Feb. 26, on the Kamehameha Avenue sidewalk just downslope from the State Bldg. and the king's statue, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. PLEASE JOIN US in a show of PEOPLE POWER! As a friend of mine said, we need to go back to the streets like we did in the 60s and 70s.
Anyone wanting to show solidarity to the Wisconsin Dems, teachers, nurses and other public workers, unions, those who rely for every penny they get from SocSec, the young, elderly and in-between who need medical care, women (who Republicans seem to want to eliminate from the face of the Earth....the most recent outrages being changing the definition of rape and investigating any woman who suffers a miscarriage!!!), those who believe in evolution, who want our gov't to act responsibly regarding climate change, who want our government to quit waging war, on and on, ad infinitum, please come stand with us this Saturday.
Make a sign to carry expressing your frustration, wear red if you want to support the Wisconsin effort, or just come out and help us show the strength in numbers!!!! is coordinating this across the country. Hope to see you there!
Here are some links you might want to read:
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