On April 22nd after many hours of testimony on quite a few issues, the Hawaii County resolution 81-09, which was introduced by our wonderful Councilman, Pete Hoffmann, passed 9-0.
This resolution was a response to the Hawaii House of Representatives HB1226, which would have pre-empted counties AND the state of Hawaii from making any new laws in opposition to, or in regulation of GMO crops. (See Current E-Zine)
Over the last few years residents across the state, from all walks of life, have been working very hard to bring about laws that would prevent Genetically Modified Organisms(GMO's) from being used in any form in the islands. From scientists to farmers, from politicians to Hawaiian cultural practitioners, residents have been pushing this movement forward.
But the underlying issue in HB1226 is way beyond GMOs. HB1226 would remove authority to regulate GMOs from not only county governments in the islands, but from the State Government itself. It would give all authority to the Federal Government.
Now this is the perplexing part of the Bill. Why would the State Government want to give up its authority to regulate what goes on in the islands?
Is it because there is a threat to a billion dollar industry, that has not been proven to be environmentally safe, or safe for human consumption, by the test of time?
It also banned labeling of GMO crops.
So today was a bold statement by the council telling the State Legislature NO, do not pass this anti-democratic Bill (HB1226).
This resolution came after the Maui county council passed a very similar resolution in March.
So two of the four counties of Hawaii have made this strong statement.
Let's hope that Kaua'i is next!
HB1226 is asleep until the second year of its legislative life (2010) It passed the House this 2009 session, but it did not get a hearing in the Senate.
Hopefully the Senate will be able to keep this bill from being heard next session. At least now the counties are making their voices heard.
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