Legislation will be introduced during the next council meeting on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at the Keahou Sheraton in Kona at 9:00 a.m.
IF you want to protest these changes, show up at 9:00 to testify.
If you site all three resolutions, you could talk for 9 minutes. Each resolution allows 3 minutes.
Resolution #200-removes Pete Hoffman as Vice Chair of the council
and makes Council member Emily Naole Vice Chair of the County Council.
Resolution #201- reorganizes the Chairmanships and vice-chairs of the council
Resolution #202 combines Human Services with the Finance Committee and Food and Sustainability with Environmental Management AND reassigns chairmanships:
This legislation strips the Chairmanship of any committees from Yagong, Hoffman and Ford.
Currently the committee chairs are:
1. Public Works- Brenda Ford
2. Finance- Dominic Yagong
3. Human Services- Naole
4. Environmental management-Greenwell
5. Food and Energy Sustainability- Onishi
6. Planning- Ikeda
7. Parks- Enriques
The new committees and the new chairs will be:
1. Public Works and Intergovernmental Relations- (roads, all building projects, the awards of big money projects) -Enriques
2. Planning- (General Plan amendments, CDPs, all rezonings) Ikeda
3. Finance and Human Services (all budget matters and non-profits) - Onishi
4. Public Safety Parks and Recreation- (police, fire, civil defense and parks) Naole
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