Hawaiian Sovereignty March On O`ahu: Ku I Ka Pono March And Rally: Jan 17th

We have come to the time that requires all of us especially those of us who have been in the movement for many years to March and tell the world, We are taking back our nation, Hawaii.

It is now the responsibility for everyone to do what ever it takes to prepare your Ohana to join us on Saturday Jan. 17, 2009 and be a part of History in the Making.

Bring your Flags, Signs and Ohana to the Greatest March that these islands have ever seen of Kanaka Maoli Hawaii.

Time: January 17, 2009 at 10am
Location: Saratoga Road and Kalakaua Ave to Kapiolani Park
City/Town: Waikiki
Contact Info:

'Ilio'ulaokalani Coaliton, with the support of Kupu'aina Coaliton, is organizing a march and rally to oppose the state's attemp to sell ceded lands.

Organizers ask that participants wear their red KU I KA PONO T-Shirts, which can be ordered online at stopsellingcededlands.com.

T-Shirts will be available for pickup on Saratoga from 9am prior to the March.

United States has had over 109 years in administrating the national lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a Trust.

A Trust that is deeply rooted in the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Never in the history of the Kanaka Maoli Hawaii people have the Trust of the national lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom have been so misused.

For more information, call Kahoonei Panoke,

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