Help our Keiki USA Swim Team

by susan griley

> our Keiki
> Please I need help.
> We are part of the USA SWIM TEAM - WARRIORS we are the Honokaa group and
> our kids had a swim meet in Kamehameha 2 weekends ago and they did amazing.
> The kids try so hard and now the liveguard there is kicking us out we are
> looking for a pool so the kids can continue swimming it is sad what do we
> tell the kids now?
> It started when we had problems with the chemicals in the pool and we told
> them about it and now instead of fixing the chemical problem they are
> getting rid of us - like to cover up the problem. I want to share the news
> it is not right we do this for the kids to keep them healthy, out of trouble
> and they give 100 % swimming, Just not nice

Our Coach really works hard for the kids and does not get treated with respect from Liveguard. We need to stand up and fight for our kids , they are the next generation :( please help

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