How I Protect Myself from VOG

by Robert G. Roosen

tradewind pattern

tradewind pattern

tradewind pattern

VOG is toxic to lungs, blood vessels and heart.

After I moved to Kailua-Kona, my blood pressure spiked, my breathing got difficult, my allergies kicked up and I developed a major sinus infection.

Here is what I am doing now to protect myself:

When outdoors, I wear a face mask that I got from Adrien Bledstein at
It has a replaceable filter/liner made with activated charcoal to block volcanic gases alnd also filters out small particles--It also protects my nose from sun damage :)

I found because those white P95 masks are not effective on gases.
I keep my home closed up at all times and run an air filter and air conditioner as necessary.

Adrien donated some of his mask material to use as filters in these units because I found the filters supplied with the units were not very effective.
That might have been because I was living in a place whose previous tenants were tobacco smokers. All walls had been painted, carpet cleaned and sofa and chair cleaned. Even so, it smelled like a wet ashtray and attacked my allergies.
That problem was solved by repeated applications of ozone from rented ozone generators.

In addition to using filters 7/24, I take steps to rid my body of VOG contaminants that get through.

I shower after I have been exposed to pollutants.

I gargle with salt water a few times a day.

I also have a neti pot and irrigate my sinuses with non-iodized salt water once or twice a day. (Sniffing salt water also works.)

I now wake up every morning with clear sinuses.

Although I use them for VOG, these methods would also protect me from SMOG and industrial pollution as well as radioactive fallout.

Robert G. Roosen

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Apr 14, 2015
It's really necessary to NEW
by: Anonymous

It's really necessary to protect ourselves from all sort of dust or smoke. Or else it can result in drastic changes in our body. I work with assignment writing service and often roam out on behalf of my projects, i really suffer with pollution problem as well as dust allergy. Your ideas a re simply good to implement.

Feb 27, 2015
health NEW
by: Anonymous

There are many people who share your story, even if they don't live on a volcanic island. Allergies are very common these days and if you ignore them, they can lead to other health problems. Using the services on you can easily keep a track of their evolution. Knowing this, you will be able to improve your health, through appropriate treatment administration.

Feb 17, 2015
health NEW
by: denise

It's well known that people who live in polluted countries can have serious health problems and Hawaiians make no exception. Despite this problem, all of them try to have a healthy lifestyle, but some people neglect certain ingredients. Lucky for them, on, they can find dedicated people who are willing to help them eat well again and improve their health.

Dec 29, 2014
Excellent! NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello. I’m quite impressed with these protective measures. I just wanted to know if there are any side effects associated with these measures. I have lot of allergies already. I would like to know more about the cost associated with it. ICD 10 Training

Oct 24, 2012
Pele's farts NEW
by: Anonymous

Pele's farts are killing me- its so bad- I have a headache and I feel actually afraid. I think I need to move though I love the Island and I have been here for 27 years. I can't take it anymore- I am on the Hilo side. I have no idea where to go- this is my home! Tonight it is super bad!

Jan 25, 2012
Blue Air NEW
by: Victor's Vacuums -AERUS of Honolulu

Blue Air makes the Lux Guardian only for Aerus which has UV, photocatalytic oxidation process, and is listed as a Medical Device. The 400's don't.

Jan 25, 2012
Shopping for an air purifier NEW
by: Robert G. Roosen

Lux Guardian Air appears to be a relabeled Blue Air 400 series unit sold for one thousand dollars additional mark up.
Before purchasing an air purifier, check this site:

Jan 25, 2012
Healthy Breath of air NEW
by: Victor's Vacuums -AERUS of Honolulu

You may want to check out The Lux Guardian Air covers up to 2000sq ft recycles the air 7 times an hour and is low to no maintanence. For work or home, plug it in and breath easy all day. Preview it on YouTube. AERUS Guardian Air laboratory test
For more information call
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