Kanaka Maoli March on America

Art by Iokua Cleveland

Art by Iokua Cleveland

Art by Iokua Cleveland

Kanaka’s come together and march to end the oppression of the Hawai’ian people! September 2, 2013 we will stand as a nation to decide the destiny of our future generations. Come join us if you have a love for Hawaii. We will be up on Mauna Kea, in front of the 133,000 acre military base telling them enough is enough. The main march will be in Washington, but it is just as important to be up on that mountain. It is the power point for the world.

Let us unite to stand together to end the ever increasing forced removals of Kanaka Maoli from their native lands. The American government’s representatives in Hawai’i continue to remove Kanaka by imposing illegal statutes over our lands and trusts. It is time to say A’ole and enough to the further trespassing of our basic human rights as natives of this land.

The Crown lands covering 2 million acres were set aside for the Hawai’ian people and this aina is the life’s blood of the Hawai’ian people. No statute known to international or domestic laws allows the seizing of a private trust to be sold off by any government that is acting outside the law.

* Crown lands are NOT public property
* Crown lands are NOT “ceded” to America
* Crown lands are NOT open for foreign development
* Crown lands are NOT subject to foreign administration
* Further more, Crown lands are NOT FOR SALE

All lands of Ko Hawai’i Pae Aina are more than sacred to the Hawai’ian people, they are in sacred trust to them. The removal of these people by violence, arrest and threat of violence is genocide of a people on their own lands is a vicious crime against humanity.

* Hawai’ians have the RIGHT to their own nationality
* Hawai’ians have the RIGHT to administer their own land trusts
* Hawai’ians have the RIGHT to be safe in their own lands, free from violence
* Hawai’ians have the RIGHT to use their own lands without being molested
* Hawai’ians have the RIGHT to receive all monies paid for the use of their trust lands
* Hawai’ians have the RIGHT to preserve, protect and remove anything that harms their lands
* Hawai’ians have the HUMAN RIGHTS that demand the end of American pillaging of their valued treasures

We shall hold the Kanaka Maoli March on America on the 2nd of September 2013 to demand the vacancy of the American state government that currently operates illegally within the Nation of Hawai’i today.

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Feb 09, 2015
hey there NEW
by: harry

This is the best way to show them our stance. If we are united there is no way anyone can stamp on us. We march together for a reason that is targeted towards the betterment of the society as a whole. ICD 10 Codes

Aug 30, 2013
The Return of Hawaii NEW
by: Anonymous

Hawaii and the return to Her People is inevitable. The rest of the world supports your secession, your Way of Life, Language, Culture, Freedom and own governance, rightfully so.

From All over the world.

Jan 25, 2013
Solidarity NEW
by: Anonymous

That which appears impossible, Is Possible.
Never give up on what you know is right. Persistence will wear down the RESISTANCE.
Justice will prevail.. Keep the faith.
The Truth Will Prevail :)

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