Kumu or Kahuna

by Michael Lum

I am interested in knowing the differences between a person who is a kumu and a person who is a kahuna. I think kumu pertains to the hula. Which one is the most creditable regarding knowledge of Hawaiian culture. Is one more important than the other in terms of creditability?
plainly put kumu is teacher, kahuna is expert. Kahuna can also mean the spiritual leader of a a family or area. Although kumu can be used for those that teach hula, it is not reserved for them, there are all types of kumu.

As for who to listen to, follow your na`au or gut with who ever you are talking to and the situation it pertains to.

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Kumu or Kahuna

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Mar 27, 2012
Kahuna for blessing NEW
by: Anonymous

Do you know any kahunas on the Big Island that can do a blessing on a piece of property we purchased recently?

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