Love Letters to the IRS

Because we are rapidly approaching the darkest day on the American Calendar (April 15, “Slave Day”), I am going to suggest we have our minds de-programmed a bit by Larken. First, please check out this video (6 minutes).

It explains graphically the absurdity of paying taxes. Here Larken discusses why he made the video “the tiny dot.” He sent a few recent letters to his fan club at the IRS. They are below for your entertainment. I am very thankful there are people like this. (I wish 25% of Americans had the same understanding, honesty, and integrity he does). In such case, April 15 would be just like any other day. I urge you to get a grip on dollars. It would be wonderful to fully appreciate what a Trillion dollars is. This video puts it in perspective. Now you can better appreciate the amazing admission of “Rummy,” former head of Dept. of Defense, explaining that he could not account for $2.3 Trillion in Military spending in 2001. Then, you might appreciate a fantastic video of former Florida Representative Alan Grayson asking the Federal Reserve Inspector General what she has done to investigate or audit off-balance sheet transactions (thefts) of 9 Trillion Dollars (amounting to a theft of over 31,000 from every man, woman, and child in the USA during an 8 month period in 2008-9). Our government is failing. It is scary, but it is as necessary as it is overdue. Until the process is completed, enjoy the wit and humor and insight of visionaries like Larken Rose (see his “love letters to the IRS” below). Tiny dot

Love Letters to the IRS
Below is the text of three letters I recently sent to the IRS. I'm mainly posting these for your entertainment and/or infuriation, but there is a point to it, too.

The first two letters, as you'll see, are rather disrespectful and impolite (I censored out the worst parts). This was after I told the federal thieves politely of their screw-up on several
occasions, and they kept trying to rob me. But other than just venting, there is a reason for my "attitude." I think it's actually a good thing that the mercenaries of the state--the ones who are
out there committing robbery, assault, and murder on behalf of politicians--should be constantly bashed and insulted. They already think "obeying orders" makes everything okay, but if no one
IDENTIFIES the evil they commit as being evil, what reason would they have to ever stop? I know some people prefer to politely reason with the state mercenaries, and sometimes self-preservation requires that. (If you say what you really think to a megalomaniac in a black dress, or a jackboot with a badge, very bad things will probably happen to you.) But if even the VICTIMS of state aggression act as if what the mercenaries do is legitimate, why would the enforcers ever doubt it?
Anyway, below are the letters.

(P.S. With any luck, "Kicking the Dragon," which has been out of print for ages, will be available as an e-book fairly soon. If you think my letters to the IRS are too nasty, read that book. Then
you'll wonder why I'm being so nice to them.)

(P.P.S. If, after reading the letters, you're worried about the IRS trying to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from me, don't. I'm so dang poor, I don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars for
them to steal--or even hundreds of thousands of pennies, for that matter--so either way, the joke's on them! Hmmm, I guess the joke's on me, too. Bummer.)
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March 23, 2011

Internal Revenue “Service”

Cincinnati, OH

Dear Extortionist Bastards,
This is in response to several letters you recently sent me (which
I'm sending back), alleging that I filed my Form 945's late, and
that I therefore owe you a huge pile of money.

The first half dozen times you damn thieves made up that I was ever
an employer, I was nice about it. But since you parasitic s***-
heads insist on continuing to try to rob me of tens of thousands of
dollars based on something you fabricated out of thin air, I will
now treat you with the respect and civility you deserve: none.

Perhaps whichever useless, waste-of-space, brain-dead imbecile
bureaucrat opens this letter can grasp what all the previous
federal thieves could not: I have never been an employer. I have
never had employees. As a result, I have never been required to
withhold from employees, and have never filed employer returns
(Form 941, Form 945, etc.). Nonetheless, you bastards apparently
made up an employer TIN for me (32-0292907) (and spelled my name
incorrectly). When my wife and I did medical transcription, we did
business only with subcontractors. We've never seen any attempt by
you thieving bastards to demonstrate otherwise, or any hint at why
you continue to imagine that we ever had employees.

Fix your f****** records, and send me a letter of correction. (And
then quit your job as a professional extortionist, and go do
something useful with your life.) If you won’t correct your ongoing
screw-up, then refer the matter back to my local Infernal
Racketeering Scheme office, so I can have an in-person meeting with
the local moronic leeches.

Larken Rose

(P.S. If you wonder why so many people hate you, it’s because
you’re a bunch of damn thieves, working for the biggest terrorist
gang around: Congress. You’re not serving the people, or the
country, or anything worthwhile. You’re nothing but thugs and
robbers, serving only a gang of corrupt, crooked politicians.
You’ve earned the anger and resentment of all decent, productive
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Love Letters to the IRS

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Jan 23, 2013
letter to IRS NEW
by: Anonymous

I agree with the letter, Years ago I had a business with employees and they literly put me out of business and bankrupted me? They made up phony charges so they could get pay raises and bigger retirement? Biggest crooks and theives?

and they wonder why people don't want to start a business? They are the same as communist governments.

Apr 26, 2011
good post
by: maddy

Love letters are wonderful! Don't forget you can also write simple short love notes on whatever is handy..

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