Questioning camping on the Big Island

by Melissa
(Seattle, WA, USA)

Hi! My fiance, best friend and I are really interested in camping - it is peaceful and a wonderful way to see Hawaii and other places, without spending too much money.

I have read different reviews on line in regards to the safety of staying on the Islands - is there one Island that is more safe than others?

We are camping for 6 days/5 nights and we would really love to camp at Spencer beach on the Big Island - how safe is this camp site?

We are very excited, but with some of the reviews I read I am almost scared to do so... please let me know! :D


Aloha Melissa

I have always found Spencer Beach to be safe. I wouldn't leave valuables in my tent or site when I was not there, but I think you tent it self would be safe.

However I have heard stories about people getting things taken out of their tents, and their tents themselves being taken, but I never heard of this at Spencer.

One time I was camping at a beach down south, and some kids took my guitar out of my tent while I was surfing. One of the Uncles(Hawaiian Elder) saw them take it, and when he found out it wasn't their tent, he went and got it back for me.

Another option is the Kona camping Ranch.

The place is run by some friends of ours, and we love going there. It is not at the beach though, and it is hard to beat waking up at the beach.

As far as other islands go, Oahu is pretty much out, unless you know somebody. Maui is Ok, there are definitely good spots, and some not so good. Not so sure about Kauai, been a while since I have been there.

Molokai was my favorite. People were very friendly and helpful. One time we were camping, and this Uncle offered us fish, and even brought us a frying pan to fry them in. We never felt unsafe when we left our stuff in our tent, and it was a great trip.

Let me know if you have more questions,

Aloha David

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Jun 03, 2009
Thank you!!!
by: Melissa

I really do appreciate your feed back. My fiance and I love to camp and feel that this is a way to see a different side of Hawaii. We spend a lot of time on the island of Maui and actually plan to go there after our camping trip for 11 days - we will not be camping in Maui though. I will look into Molokai, I have heard a lot of wonderful things about the island.

I have never had a problem, at all, when I have traveled to the islands - we are very respectful of the land and have always seen the Hawaiian culture as an amazingly close family that spreads Aloha to all that enter the islands -- I have, however, seen some tourists that are rude, and do not take care of the islands... those are the people that I have seen have problems with locals.

We are very, very excited and need a trip. If we do stay on Spencer beach I will keep our stuff in the car when we leave.

Thank you again -- I really am grateful for a real opinion. :D


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