Join the growing movement to protect natural taro!
On this page you can submit your testimony to decision makers and government officials to encourage protection of natural taro in Hawaii from genetic modification and patenting by filling out the form below.
Genetic engineering of taro is an irreversible, experimental technique that has not been scientifically proven safe for human and environmental health, and has not been approved or accepted by the community. Genetically Modified Taro (GMO-taro) is of great concern to consumers, farmers, Native Hawaiians, and scientists. The practice of genetically modifying and patenting taro, a unique and sacred heritage plant and food resource, is unethical and unwisely poses risks to the people and lands of Hawaii.
For more information please read the points in the sample letter of testimony, which describe the community and scientific concerns about GMO-taro.
ATTENTION ALL TARO FARMERS (ALL Mahi'ai Kalo- subsistence, commercial, educational, and haumana):
If you wish, please submit your testimony separately to
We will present the farmer's letters together to show how many farmers across Hawai'i support this ban on GMO-taro.
-Please include mention of the fact that you are a farmer and from what ahupua'a.
-Please send us your letter NOW as we are in full hearing season.
-Please don't mention any specific bill numbers, just your mana'o about GMO-taro- that way we can use this letter for all other measures to ban GMO-taro and now you only have to write it once! (Of course if you prefer to write a new letter each time, can. but no need.)
-If you need help with anything- email or call
Attention Organizations, Businesses & Community Leaders: Please submit any testimony on official letterhead to
-Please don't mention any specific bill numbers, just your mana'o about GMO-taro- that way we can use this letter for all other measures to ban GMO-taro and now you only have to write it once! (Of course if you prefer to write a new letter each time, can. but no need.)
TARO CONSUMERS, please write in your own mana'o (thoughts) below in the letter box. Or you can also quickly submit the form letter that is written.
--Please be sure to enter in your own name & email information if multiple people are sharing the same computer to fill out this form! Click below in #2 to enter in your own information. Thanks!--

Malama Haloa! Your letter of testimony will be used in the ongoing community efforts to protect taro from genetic modification. People all over Hawaii are educating their county councils, neighborhood boards, community organizations, and members of the taro industry, to help protect taro and perpetuate our unique local agricultural heritage.
As you can see in this photo of Uncle Jerry Konanui in a field of healthy natural taro,
Hawaii doesn't need or want GMO-Taro!
Current bills that all public testimony will support (as of 2/16/09):
State Legislature: "Prohibits the development, testing, propagation, release, importation, planting, or growing of genetically modified taro in the State of Hawaii."
---> NEXT HEARING ON WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 18, 2009, 9:10 AM, State Capitol- room 329- Come Show Support!