There was never an official "annexation of Hawaii" in 1898

by Hanalei Vierra

The 5th sentence on your first page states that the "Annexation of Hawaii did not occur officially till 1898". Please read up on your Hawaiian history and try to paint an accurate picture for your audience. There was NOTHING official about the way Hawai'i was "annexed". It was an illegal deception by the American government to pull the wool over the eyes of the world by pushing through some lame joint resolution "declaring" that Hawai'i was now annexed. A joint resolution has absolutely zero legal validity between two sovereign nations, so there was never an official annexation of Hawai'i--only a deception and bullying tactic in order to justify the illegal invasion/overthrow of 1893.

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May 29, 2012
by: Dvid


I looked for the 5th sentence you were quoting

Did not see it.

I did see where it said Hawaii was annexed in 1898, which is true, whether it was legal is another matter, and my intention is to show that it was not legal.

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