Hawaiian Sovereignty Mana`o: From Kanaka Maoli and Maluhini alike

For over a hundred years, the United States has illegally occupied the Kingdom of Hawaii. I believe it is crucial for us to educate, so I created this page on Hawaiian Sovereignty Mana`o.

It is to give everybody a chance to not only share their thoughts, stories, or knowledge, but also so visitors and residents can easily access them.

Also any new issues, that come up and you want people to hear about, this is a great way to reach them. Such as the Stryker Brigade, or the upcoming bill that would ban GMO's in Hawaii.

It is important to bridge whatever gaps in the community we can.

Feel free to include pictures, links, basically whatever you like.You will basically have your own page on this site, so take your time, and get across your message clearly.

Malama Pono Aloha and have fun.

To go to our page on treaties Hawaii held at the time of the overthrow, Follow this Link

To go to our page on Iolani Palace April 30th, 2008, follow this link.

Hawaiian Sovereignty : Whats your take?

It seems like on every Island there are different groups, with slightly different views on Hawaiian Sovereignty. This is a opportunity to share your Mana`o (thoughts) on the subject. You can upload pictures, copy and paste documents you think are relevant, and most important share your personal experiences.

Aloha Kakou

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

There was never an official "annexation of Hawaii" in 1898 
The 5th sentence on your first page states that the "Annexation of Hawaii did not occur officially till 1898". Please read up on your Hawaiian history …

Am a longtime researcher (30+years history, 22+ years genealogies, 10+ years legal research) and have discovered and documented that the U.S. in the Hawaiian …

Richard E. Fisher JD, RRT,(ret) On Sovereignty 
Suppose sovereignty was granted to Hawaii and based on other countries the following would happen. NO ENTITLEMENTS, citizens of Hawaii would not be eligible …

Facts About Kawa`a 
I say who ever has heirship ?lineage to join or debate.do in court .stop all the little talk more action.there always was acommon law lien of 2.million …

The Native People of Hawaii Deserve Better 
I have visited Hawaii a number of times and fell in love with the people, their culture and the land. On one of those visits I learned the full truth about …

Fully support restoration of the Kingdom of Hawai'i 
Though I live in CA, I've been an enthusiastic supporter of Hawaiian independence and restoration of the Kingdom's sovereignty for almost ten years now. …

I have lived on Oahu and graduated from Chaminade University with an MBA in management. I love Hawaii, the culture and the people. I also own real estate …

Manao on Hawaiian Sovereignty 
We have been planning on retiring to Hawaii, we have been watching this site and we are wondering, if we buy property on the Big Island, and freedom is …

I have had the opportunity to see a clip from the UOH professor at law that had a couple of pieces on seeded lands. It was very good because of the information …

Hawaiian Sovereignty: Stand Up And Be Counted!  

Hawai'i Pon'o I from Israel 
It goes like this, A'i, I live in Israel and converted to Judaism, I'm still Hawaiian! I've been living here since 1982, got married and have 6 children, …

Hawaiian Sovereignty: I want to help free our nation! 
Born and raised in Hawai'i, I was always proud of where I, and my family comes from. However when I was five or six years old my parents decided they wanted …

Never gave it much thought... 
I have never given Hawaii much thought. For all my life, Hawaii has been a part of the United States. That's just the way it is. That is until I was …

Hawaiian Sovereginty: Free Hawaii is my take 
You can go and see what Gov.Linda Lingle and the two perpetual Senators have in mind for the CEDED LAND CLAIMS. As per Ehu Kekahu Cardwell at FreeHawaii.info …

Hawaiian Sovereignty: We Are All Human 
Well, it's a done deal, isn't it. The land was taken, legally or not, a long time ago. The Hawaiians, unlike the American Indians and many other groups …

Hawaiian Sovereignty: One of the Original Hawaiian Flags: The Red Yellow and Green Hawaiian Flag 
Hawaiian Sovereignty Flag T-Shirts Now Available! Hawaii is an interesting place to live, to say the least! One of the things that makes it so special …

The US Supreme Court announced today that they have accepted the writ of certiorari filed by the State of Hawaii seeking to reverse the Hawaii State Supreme …

Scattered Thoughts on Hawaiian Soveriegnty 
As a haole Hawaiian off and on since 1967, here's my .02. Yes, certainly Hawaii was stolen. So was most of the rest of the US in various ways, many …

Hawaiian Sovereignty: its admirable but unrealistic 
If one was to get up and smell the Kona coffee in the morning, one would realize that Hawaii for all its splendor is a dying place. I mean the dream …

No one has ever conquered Kau, a Big Island Hawaiian Sovereignty Story 
Hawaiian Sovereignty is taken very seriously on the Big Island especially in Kau. There is a saying down South, No one has ever conquered Kau. This …

Mahele Award & Native Tenant Rights Protection Council 
Aloha, My name is Shelley Maka'ala Nakoa Kuakahela Mahi. I am of the Ha'I Ohana. I am assisting Uncle Abel @ Kawa'a and Kawa'a is under siege again. …

What a ungratiful lot 
Just about as unthankful as you can get. If you are so against Hawaii being a part of the USA, then do not shop at K mart, Wal Mart, Napa or any improvements …

History Often Bent, but Even So... 
I have made it a point to study Hawaiian history and culture. I see history often misrepresented and incorrectly used to make the case for Hawaiian sovereignty. …

I hope we are never unwelcomed to visit... 
We first visited Hawaii 17 yrs ago. Instantly we knew this was a special place with incredible people. Aloha was extended to us on this visit and for the …

Click here to write your own.

US out of Hawaii? Along with power, water, education, and Welfare 
I am so tired of hearing US out really lets take a look back to the not so distant past...If the US was not in Hawaii do you think the Japanese in WWII …

Would you perfer China as your "master"? 
I am wondering if any of you realize that if Hawaii was to become sovereign, it would soon be taken by China. Do you think you would be anything other …

Hawaiian Sovereignty: get the military out of Hawaii, start with the Big Island 
My take on Hawaiian Sovereignty, we need it now! The U.S. is like a abusive spouse in a forced marriage. We need a divorce! What the F*** not only is …

it is america, get over it 
Your argument is so shallow it is almost funny. Who then gets Hawaii? Tahiti? The Marquesas? Who will be your government?...... You uneducated fools? …

I am all for giving hawaii independence and stopping all federal money flowing into that sinkhole. then a nice contry like communist china can annex you …

You people must be on drugs. And I'm sure many of you are. Hawaiian sovereignty, you have got to be kidding. It will never happen except in the your fantasies. …

Thanks to the 1849 Hawaiian Treaty the 1849 U.S. Constitution LOCKS IN Freedoms for Americans Not rated yet
Hawaiian Kingdom and U.S./United States/ United States of America …

Concerned friend of Hawaii Not rated yet
Aloha, David, there is so much good news coming from the Hawaiian islands from a local Hawiian nespaper and the Ke Kumu 'ike I receive, that the …

Mr. Aloha Not rated yet
Mahalo! Glad to find your site. First of all I am a Hauli. I visited Hawaii in 1967 and 1968 briefly to and from Vietnam. I dreamed some I might visit …

Good luck! Not rated yet
Keep pushing for more self rule. The Scottish people got their parliment back after hundreds of years of English rule, and they are stil fighting for …

Friend of Hawaii Not rated yet
Hi, David I don't have much to add to my earlier comments. But as you and others may know, as I have stated my position, I am deeply interested in …

Concerned friend of Hawai'i Not rated yet
Thank you, Mahalo for allowing me to present my mana'o First I would like to say that the issue about sovereignty is not about punishing haloes, maluhini …

So...what's up Not rated yet
The United States Supreme Court has already clarified that Native Americans enjoy a certain kind of Sovereignty UNDER United States Domestic law. Public …

Anna Not rated yet
Aloha! I am currently in MSW grad school and we have to do a policy briefing, and more over the next 3 yrs, i was wondering if there was a current policy …

Do you gather food at the volcanoes? Salt, mushrooms, herbs, animals, etc... Not rated yet
Aloha, Looking for people who gather food at the volcanoes for an interview. Please email with 'volcano' in the subject line. …

I'm not a local, but you've got my support Not rated yet
I've been to your island a quite a few times. from the waves, to the spear fishin, to the divin, to the rock climbing (yeah I said rock climbing at south …

Coming Home Not rated yet
Having lived on the Big Island in North Kohala for some years, until 2000, my husband and myself were as active as we could possibly be in the Sovereignty …

Free Hawaii TV brought to by the Koani Foundation. Illeagall Land Grab in Progress. Not rated yet
With An Illegal Land Grab In The Works, The Office Of Hawaiian Affairs Is Also Trying To Grab More Money - All The While Hiding What They've Already Done …

Aquaman from New York: My Take on Hawaiian Sovereignty and Kawa`a Not rated yet
I saw the video and read the information about this encounter/conflict. Without knowing much about the technicalities and politics of this situation, I …

OHA v State of Hawaii U.S. Supreme Court to hear ceded lands case Not rated yet
Bigisland-Bigisland.com made a page on the decision of the Hawaii Supreme Court,in OHA v State of Hawaii, which is now going to the U S Supreme Court on …

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